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Framed canvas wraps

Ready-to-hang custom wrapped canvas with picture frame

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Production time
72 hours
Wholesale cost
From £21.71 *
400gsm (11.8oz/yd)
Printing method
Latex inks
Available sizes
5x7" to 30x40"
SKU prefix

* Prices exclude taxes and shipping. Non-USD prices are approximate based on current rates.

Love our framed canvas prints but searching for a more budget-friendly option to sell in your wall art store? Look no further than our framed wrapped canvas.

Our framed canvas wrap, which is made from sustainably sourced wood and comes in black, walnut and white finishes, is delivered ready to hang in a high-quality frame. Prodigi canvas wraps can also be ordered unframed for a more understated look. 

We use UV and fade-resistant inks to bring your images to life on ultra-smooth, natural white cotton canvas, resulting in a vibrant, matte finish. Our framed canvas wrapped prints can be ordered from the US and dropshipped to any worldwide location.

  • Cotton canvas wrapped prints 
  • Great colour reproduction 
  • UV and fade-resistant 
  • Wooden picture frame 
  • Choice of frame sizes and colours (black, walnut and white)
  • Delivered ready to hang
Framed canvas wraps are part of our Mother's Day collection.

Example products

These are our most popular framed canvas wraps variants. Sign up for an account to browse our complete range, view pricing and get 50% off your first sample order.

SKU Size * Ships from
CAN-FRA-WRAP-5X7 127x178mm US Get pricing
CAN-FRA-WRAP-8X12 203x305mm US Get pricing
CAN-FRA-WRAP-18X24 457x610mm US Get pricing
CAN-FRA-WRAP-24X24 610x610mm US Get pricing
CAN-FRA-WRAP-24X36 610x914mm US Get pricing
CAN-FRA-WRAP-30X40 762x1016mm US Get pricing
* Products shipped from US/AU are sized to the nearest inch, and to the nearest cm elsewhere.

Materials and print technology

Printing method
Latex inks
Canvas, Wood fibres, Wood
Ultra-smooth cotton canvas
Natural white

Eco credentials

  • Sustainabily sourced icon

    Sustainably sourced paper or wood

    From sustainable forests.


White-label packaging

All our shipments are white-label. There is no Prodigi branding on the outer packaging or on any included paperwork.

Cardboard box

Rigid, corrugated cardboard boxes made from recycled materials.

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